How Was Viscon Developed?
Viscon technology originated in a research program for the Department of Defense. The objective was to develop compounds that reduce explosion hazards with jet fuel. Further investigation revealed Viscon greatly improved combustion and reduced engine temperatures.

What makes Viscon unique?
The Viscon fuel additive is used to improve air/fuel mixture preparation which is normally addressed by engineers modifying engine hardware. Viscon’s technology modifies the fuel’s physical properties, rather than fuel chemistry. The inventors of Viscon discovered that diesel fuel’s physical behavior stands in the way of optimizing air/fuel mixture in diesel engines and devised a way to modify the behavior.

Is Viscon Toxic?
No. The active ingredient of Viscon is a food-grade polymer used in products like chewing gum. It is not miscible in water and will not contaminate our groundwater. Viscon is a pure hydrocarbon and is thus exempt from EPA fuel additive registration.

Is Viscon Expensive?
Total treatment costs should be on the order of pennies per gallon of fuel treated. When you add other positive aspects such as extended engine life, reduced overall maintenance costs and better fuel mileage, the cost of treatment will be substantially reduced.

Will Viscon Improve Mileage?
Ninety-five percent of the vehicles using Viscon improve their mileage. Some temporary reductions may occur while the engine computer adjusts the air/fuel ratio. Since Viscon is a powerful cleaning agent, mileage and performance will continue to improve as deposits are eliminated from the engine.

How does Viscon effect engine timing?
Viscon will widen the tuning tolerance of any engine. Viscon has been demonstrated to allow increased spark advance before knock. Therefore, a small advance in spark can be used to improve mechanical efficiency of your engine.

What is Viscon’s production capacity?
8,085 gallons of Viscon per day. Sufficient to treat 20,697,600 gallons of diesel per day.

Will Viscon improve the cetane/octane rating of fuel?
The octane number of a fuel denotes its ability to resist pre-ignition combustion. Combustion gas temperature has a direct relationship on an engine’s cetane/octane requirement. Viscon reduces combustion gas temperature and reduces the engine’s cetane/octane requirement.

Could Viscon Be Substituted For MTBE?
Small additions of Viscon to the fuel provide considerable additional horsepower and torque while the efficiency of burn improves. It is a far superior alternative to MTBE and it will not contaminate our ground water.

Is Viscon EPA approved?
Viscon is a pure hydrocarbon, and as such is exempt from EPA regulations. In accordance with the EPA registration requirements for fuels and fuel additives, “‘additive’ means any substance other than one composed solely of carbon and/or hydrogen.”

Why does Viscon improve throttle response?
As the throttle is advanced more fuel is delivered to the induction system of an engine. However, there is a lag in getting the additional fuel into the cylinder due to the physical properties of the fuel. This causes a lean condition and poor throttle response. Viscon changes the physical properties of fuel so that more fuel is entrained in the air/fuel mixture entering the cylinder.

Why does my automobile start more easily when I use Viscon?
Cold starts are complicated by the reduced vaporization of fuel in a cold engine. The result is insufficient fuel in the cylinder to support proper combustion. During cold starts, a considerable percentage of fuel wets intake and cylinder walls. By reducing wall wetting through the viscoelastic properties it imparts on fuel, Viscon improves the mixing of fuel with air which in turn improves engine starting.

How does Viscon effect spray patterns?
Viscon reduces the Sauter mean volume diameter of sprayed fuel. It also makes droplet size distribution across an injector spray cone more uniform. Finally, Viscon causes the mass of fuel to be more evenly distributed across the spray cone.

Why does Viscon decrease engine vibrations?
Cycle-to-cycle combustion variability causes most engine vibrations. By improving the air/fuel mixing, variations in the quantity of fuel and efficiency of in-cylinder burns decrease. Viscon improves the uniformity of the air/fuel mixture thus causing less erratic combustion that causes most engine vibrations.

What are the long-term effects of using Viscon in my engine?
Viscon does not cause either short term or long term harm to gasoline or diesel engines. Viscon is a pure hydrocarbon. The active ingredient, a long-chain hydrocarbon, burns into a gas and leaves no residue. The polymer in Viscon has been used in gasoline and diesel fuel in a shorter molecular form for more than fifty years.

Why does Viscon improve torque?
Viscon improves both the volumetric efficiency of an engine, and the uniformity of fuel species distribution in the cylinder at ignition and during burn. It is well known that increased volumetric efficiency increases torque. Less well known is that a more uniform distribution of the light and heavy ends of fuel in the mixture at ignition and during burn increases the speed of flame propagation. The result is better conversion of the fuels energy to mechanical energy and increased torque.

What is the technology behind Viscon?
Viscon is a spin off of work to make an aircraft fuel that would not explode when a fuel tank is hit by a projectile or when an airplane fuel tank is ruptured in a crash. It was discovered at that time that addition of a high molecular weight polymer to jet fuel eliminated the black cloud of smoke associated with ignition of misted jet fuel in a crash. Follow on work demonstrated that the polymer changed the physical properties of a sprayed fuel, improving the uniformity of droplet size and distribution, and modifying its vaporization behavior.

Why does Viscon decrease visible smoke in the exhaust of my engine?
Smoke is generally a sign of incomplete combustion of the fuel (unburned hydrocarbons). Viscon causes fuel to burn more completely in two and four cycle gasoline and diesel engines reducing the amount of unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust.

Will Viscon damage paint?
Viscon does not contain any caustic chemicals, and therefore will not damage paint.

What happens if I put too much Viscon in my fuel?
Putting more than twice the recommended amount of Viscon in your fuel may negate the effects of Viscon. This dosage will not harm your engine, but you may not see any benefits. Too much Viscon in fuel negates the effect of extensional viscosity in fuel.

Will Viscon damage my catalytic converter?
No. Most catalytic converters suffer damage when they are overheated or are subjected to chemicals that bind with and neutralize their catalysts. Since Viscon is a 100% hydrocarbon, and therefore, does not introduce any harmful chemicals to a catalytic converter.

Does Viscon work as well in an engine with a carburetor as one with a fuel injector?
Yes. Viscon will work just as well in both.

Will Viscon effect the oxygen sensor in my car?
In some cars, the oxygen sensor, which feeds back to the engine control module, will cause the engine to idle higher. After about a tank of fuel, the injection system will recalibrate itself and idle as it was without Viscon.

Is Viscon safe for use in diesel engines?
Viscon is a formulation of pure hydrocarbons which is completely compatible with diesel fuel systems and diesel engines. A different form of the active ingredient in Viscon has been used in diesel fuel for more than fifty years.

Why does Viscon work in diesel as well as gasoline?
The efficiency of combustion in both diesel and gasoline engines is controlled by the properties of the air/fuel mixture in the cylinder at the time of ignition and during burn. In both engines the physical behavior of the fuel following injection effects the uniformity of the air/fuel mixture. By modifying a fuel’s physical properties Viscon makes diesel and gasoline air/fuel mixtures more uniform, improving combustion efficiency in both.


No element of the natural world is more essential to life than air, and no environmental task is more critical than keeping it clean.

Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)
NOx is a chemical compound that contains only nitrogen and oxygen. All nitrogen oxides are gases (such as Nitrogen monoxide (NO) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)). NO, or nitric oxide, is a colorless gas released when nitrogen and oxygen combine at high temperature; e.g. the combustion chamber of an engine. On contact with air it is oxidized to NO2.

NOx Health Effects
NO2 is a suffocating, brownish gas that can irritate the lungs and lower resistance to respiratory infections such as influenza. Concentrations that are higher than normally found in the air causes increased incidence of respiratory illness. Varying levels of exposure can cause dizziness, headache, sweating, labored breathing, nausea, and weakness.

NOx Environmental Effects
NO2 reacts in the air to form nitric acid. The acid can corrode metals, fade fabrics and degrade rubber. It can damage trees and crops, resulting in substantial losses. NOx also plays a major role in atmospheric reactions that produce ground-level ozone (or smog). NOx in the air significantly contributes to eutrophication in coastal waters that produce an environment destructive to fish and other animal life.

Particulate Matter (PM)
PM air pollution consists of complex and varying mixtures of particles suspended in the air we breathe. PM is a combination of fine solids such as ashes, soot. PM is also aerosols that are formed in the atmosphere from gaseous combustion by-products (sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides). PM is caused by unburned fuel/material.



Particulate Matter Health Effects
When inhaled, the particles evade the respiratory system’s natural defenses and lodge deep in the lungs. PM is especially harmful to people with diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema, as well as people with heart disease. Exposure to particulate air pollution can trigger asthma attacks, damage lungs, contribute to carcinogenesis and premature death.

Particulate Matter Environmental Effects
PM can injure crops, trees and shrubs, and may cause damage to metal surfaces, fabrics, etc. Fine particulates also impair visibility by scattering light and reducing the visual range. The haze caused by fine particles can diminish crop yields by reducing sunlight.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)
CO is a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbon in fuels. CO’s molecular weight and composite is about 3 percent lighter than air, and is poisonous to all warm-blooded animals and to many other forms of life.

CO Health Effects
CO enters the bloodstream and reduces the delivery of oxygen to the body’s organs and tissues. Exposure to elevated CO levels is associated with impairment of visual perception, manual dexterity, learning ability, and performance of complex tasks. When inhaled it combines with hemoglobin in the blood, preventing absorption of oxygen and resulting in asphyxiation. As little as 1/1000 of 1 percent of carbon monoxide in air may produce symptoms of poisoning.

CO Environmental Effects
CO Contributes to the depletion of agricultural crops, forests, and adversely affects atmospheric conditions (smog and acid rain). It is poisonous to our wildlife and is a contaminate to our water supply.

Fuel Treatment

Fuel Additive


Converting CO2 To Energy

Capturing CO2 and improving thermal and volumetric efficiency reduces emissions that would otherwise exit the exhaust into the atmosphere.   The quality of each carbon credit is determined by the standards and methodology of the project.   High quality credits are the result of following stringent, scientifically proven governmental protocols for emissions testing.

Individual and Corporate social responsibility requires High Quality CO2 projects in their carbon footprint strategy.   Viscon Carbon Credits exhibit permanent nonreversible Scope 3 CO2 emission reductions generated in the USA.   The additional GHG emission reductions places these in the category of a Super Offset Credit.